We coordinate all our activities from our headquarters in Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Efficient work has enabled the company to identify its market segment and establish partner relationships with major dealers worldwide. The company’s main business partners are commodity traders with worldwide reputations, including those specializing in trade in oil and oil products.
is a natural, combustible liquid with a distinctive smell, consisting primarily of a complex mix of hydrocarbons of varying molecular mass and a number of other chemical compounds. The Color of the oil is usually jet black. Sometimes it has reddish-brown tones (ranging from dirty yellow to dark brown, almost black). Occasionally you will find oil with a bright yellow-green color, and even colorless or bright green oil. Oil is a flammable liquid; its flash point ranges from -35 to +121°C (depending on the fractional composition and the content of the gases dissolved in it). Oil is used as a raw material from which valuable products are obtained by technical means, in particular motor oils (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, jet fuel), fuel for gas turbines and boiler plants, lubricants and specialist oils, paraffin, bitumens for road construction and waterproofing, synthetic fatty acids, soots for the rubber industry, cokes for power stations, solvents and raw materials for the chemical industry. In order to produce these products, the oil is subjected to further processing. Oil has a genuinely unique combination of properties including high energy density (thirty percent higher than the highest quality coals). Oil is also easy to transport.
is a combustible mix of light hydrocarbons with a boiling point of +33 to 205 °C (depending on any additives used). Its density is around 0.71g/cm³. Its calorific power is around 10,200 Kcal/kg (46 MJ/kg, 32.7 MJ/liter). Its freezing point (if specialist additives are used) is −72 °C. Gasoline is the main form of fuel for internal combustion engines., It is obtained as a result of refining and chemically purifying the crude oil. Gasolines are flammable colorless or slightly yellow liquids (assuming no special additives are used), with a density of 700-780 kg/m³. Gasolines are highly volatile, and their flash point varies from around 20-40 degrees Celsius. Burning gasolines produces water and carbon dioxide. At vapor concentrations of 70-120 g/m3 in the air, explosive mixtures are formed. Up to 50% gasoline can be produced from crude oil. This figure includes natural gasoline, gasoline obtained from a cracking process, products of polymerization, liquefied petroleum gases and all products used as industrial engine oils. Gasolines are the preferred fuel for use in piston-driven internal combustion engines with forced ignitions (from a spark) and as raw materials in industrial-organic synthesis.
oil is a heavy fraction of oil and is based on hydrocarbons with high boiling points of 200-350°С. Diesel fuel can be divided into four types on the basis of its physical and chemical properties, operating characteristics and the conditions in which it is used. These can be labeled alphabetically: – Summer (S), which includes fuel types A, B, C and D with a maximum filterability temperature from +5 to -10°С.This diesel fuel can be used in temperatures no lower than 0°С. Similarly, Inter-Seasonal (I) fuel, which includes fuel types E and F, and can be used in temperatures from -15 or-20°С, is used in the fall, when the air temperature ranges from +5 to -5°С. Winter (W) diesel is sub-divided into classes from 0 to 3 according to filterability temperature, with an operating range from -20 to -38°С, and is used in air temperatures no lower than minus 20°С. Class 4 Arctic (A) fuel has a filterability temperature of minus 44°С and is used in outside temperatures of up to minus 50°С (the negative value is often accompanied by the word “minus” in documentation to avoid confusion). A distinction is made between distillate low-viscosity fuel, for high-speed engines, and high viscosity fuel, used for slow speed engines (such as in tractor, ship and fixed engines etc.).
Diesel fuel is mainly used in rail transportation, road haulage, ships and boats, military machinery, diesel electric generators, agricultural machinery and diesel-powered automobiles.
is a dark brown liquid left behind after the gasoline, kerosene and gas oil fractions, which boil off at 350 – 360° C, have been separated from the oil or oil products. Fuel oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons (with molecular masses ranging from 400 to 1000), petroleum resins (molecular mass 500 – 3000 plus) asphaltenes, carbenes, carbides and organic compounds containing metals (V, Ni, Fe, Mg, Na, Ca). The physical and chemical properties of fuel oil depend on the chemical composition of the original oil and the level of condensation of the distillate fractions and will fall within the following data ranges: viscosity 8—80 mm²/s (at 100 °C), density 0.89—1 g/cm³ (at 20 °C), solidifying temperature 10—40°С, sulfur content 0.5—3.5 %, ash content up to 0.3 %, lower combustion heat 39.4-40,7 MJ/moll. Fuel oil is generally used as a fuel for steam boilers, boiler systems and industrial furnaces, for the production of marine fuel oil, as heavy fuel for crosshead diesel engines and as bunker fuel.
is a form of oil-based fuel obtained from the heavy residues created during processing of oil, coal and combustible shale. Furnace boiler fuel can be termed a high-energy fuel: Calorific value = 38.3 МJ/kg (9150 Kcаl/kg). The basic composition of boiler fuel oil is characterized by a high carbon content of up to 87%, hydrogen content of up 11.1%, and up to 1% oxygen and nitrogen. There are a number of different types of boiler fuel oil with varying levels of viscosity. These can be identified by their solidification temperature, which is always higher than 0°С. For more viscous types of fuel oil the solidification temperature is 25°С or over, which is why this kind of fuel oil has to be preheated, to 60 — 70°С for pumping and up to 140°С for combustion. The main characteristics of furnace fuel oils, which determine the conditions under which they are used in boiler systems, are viscosity, solidification temperature, sulfur content, moisture content, ash content, flash point and lower combustion heat. Fuel oil is used as boiler fuel in the energy industry, shipping and manufacturing industry.
is a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons condensed from natural gases. Gas condensate is a colorless or slightly toned liquid. It is condensed from natural (formation) gases at reduced pressure (lower than the pressure at the beginning of condensation) and/or temperatures (dew point of hydrocarbons). It consists of gasoline (boiling point range from 30-80 to 200°С), kerosene, (200-300°С) and, to a lesser extent, other components which boil at higher temperatures. For the majority of gas condensates, the yield of gasoline fractions amounts to 70-85%. Depending on the presence or absence of gases in the product, a distinction is drawn between unstable gas condensate (raw gas condensate), which contains dissolved gases, and stable gas condensate, which is obtained by means of degasification of the unstable condensate (generally using the rectification method). In refineries, gas condensate is used as raw material for obtaining low-octane forms of gasoline, and special anti-detonation additives are used to raise the low octane number. Besides all this, this product is characterized in particular by its high solidification temperature and cloud point, which is why it is used primarily in the production of “light” fuels. Gas condensate is also used as a diesel fuel, but this happens much more rarely, since this requires additional deparaffinization. The main areas in which gas condensate is processed are petrochemicals and fuels.
is a combustible mixture of liquid hydrocarbons heavier than gasoline. It is obtained from the direct distillation of oil or cracking oil products (yield 15-18% of the mass of the raw material). Its boiling point range is 120-240 °С and it is a clear, yellowish liquid. In the past, its primary application was as fuel for tractors. 15%-18% of finished product can be obtained from the raw material. Naphtha is also known as ligroin. Naphtha is heavier than gasoline but lighter than kerosene. Different types of naphtha can be distinguished by the following characteristics: density, their olefin, paraffin, naphthalene, isoparaffin, sulfur and aromatic substance contents, the pressure of the enriched vapors according to the Rein method, the quantity of additives containing oxygen, and the mercury content. Today, the main application for naphtha is as raw material in the petrochemical industry or in the production of olefins. Naphtha is used as an additive in the production of gasoline and as a raw material in the manufacture of high-octane additives. It is a basic component of gasoline, jet fuel and kerosene used for lighting. It is also used as diesel fuel, a solvent in the paint industry, as gasoline for some types of lamps, for the removal of fatty stains and the carburation of air. Naphtha extract is used as a filler for liquid-based instruments such as manometers. Straight-run naphtha is suitable for use as kerosenes and gasolines for aviation. It is a straight-run distillate from oil which does not contain olefins and has a boiling point of between 170 and 240 degrees Celsi.
is the most widely used non-ferrous metal. The global production of aluminium in 2016 was 58.8 million metric tons. It exceeded that of any other metal except iron (1,231 million metric tons).
The major uses for aluminium metal are in: Transportation because of its low density; Packaging because it is non-toxic, non-adsorptive, and splinter-proof; Building and construction due to lightness and corrosion resistance; Electricity-related uses because it is highly conductive and combines mechanical strength with low density; Machinery and equipment because of its non-pyrophoricity, and mechanical strength.
is a major industrial metal because of its high ductility, malleability, thermal and electrical conductivity and resistance to corrosion. It ranks third after iron and aluminium in terms of quantities consumed. Copper is easily alloyed with other metals. About three-quarters of copper goes to make electrical wires, telecommunication cables and electronics.